Feedback & Testimonials
“I will definitely consider the impact/importance of survivor-led thinking. The point about encouraging survivors to speak out to protect future survivors still putting the responsibility on them and not the perpetrator was something I hadn’t thought about. That’s just one example of something I will do differently as a result of the School of Sex Ed workshops.”
“Personally I liked how open it was in terms of language used, and it felt very inclusive of all genders and sexuality, unlike other talks which have been traditionally focused on straight penetrative sex.”
scroll for more feedback from students:
“The kids were really put at ease by Amelia and Hazel. The play-dough was such a good way in to talking about a lot of the things that needed to be talked about. Seeing two whole days gave me a fantastic overview of all the topics involved and suitable progression between the year groups. The activities and discussion about consent were particularly well presented and relevant, especially for Y9s.”