“Since implementing the guidance and policies on Online Sexual Harassment in September 2020, we have noticed the positive impact on student wellbeing. In particular, we have observed that there has been a notable reduction in instances of ‘dick pics’ being sent. Our use of the policies has greatly improved how we as teachers, leaders in education, and safeguarding leads approach the issue of image-based sexual abuse.”
This document provides information on the Incel movement: what it is, key terms, how the movement started, and why we should be concerned. The resource includes advice on how schools and universities can prevent and tackle Incel indoctrination through comprehensive relationships and sex education.
Plain text version is available to download.
A look into the Incel movement: resource for schools, and universities
These resources were co-created with UCL, Anglia Ruskin University, and Western University following a research collaboration over two years around young people’s current experiences of online and offline harms.
A whole-school approach to sexual violence prevention: Exploratory evaluation checklist.
What is trauma and why is it important to be trauma-informed?
Useful resources for schools on RSE, sexual violence prevention and trauma-informed practice.
Advice for parents and carers if their child experiences online harms and support services.
Tips for digital self-care for young people.
Sexual violence support services.
The full report on the project “Equipping Young People to Navigate Post-digital Sexual Violence” is now available.
Resources for parents, carers, school leaders and young people on sexual violence prevention
Understanding & Combatting Youth Experiences of Image-Based Sexual
Harassment and Abuse
This report is the empirical basis of the suite of resources on Online Sexual Harassment. It presents findings from research on digital image-sharing practices with young people from across the UK. Our central aim is to improve the support available for young people by helping parents, teachers, and policymakers to identify and respond to diverse young people’s experiences with image-based sexual harassment and abuse. The report is hosted by ASCL and is available here.
School uniform: guidance for schools
This document outlines how class teachers and senior leaders might consider school uniform policy and implementation in a way that centres childrens’ rights and well-being. This guidance is the outcome of a UCL Community Engaged Learning project. Click here to access.
School uniform: guidance for students
This document provides advice and ideas for students who would like to raise awareness of issues with their school uniform policy and procedure. This guidance is the outcome of a UCL Community Engaged Learning project. Click here to access.
Online Sexual Harassment: Comprehensive Guidance
This document provides a comprehensive understanding of online sexual harassment for anyone working in secondary schools in England. Including the relevant laws, evidence-base and best-practice approaches to understanding, preventing and managing young people’s experiences of online sexual harassment.
Click here to view.
Online Sexual Harassment: School Policy
This policy is designed to support school leaders to implement the approaches and recommendations laid out in our Online Sexual Harassment: Comprehensive Guidance document, including a policy checklist. Access the policy here.
Online Sexual Harassment: Guidance for Students
This document provides guidance for young people on what online behaviours constitute sexual harassment, and what to do if they experience any form of online harm. Click here to access our free guidance document.
RSHE Policy
Guide and Template
This document is intended for use in secondary schools in England, as a guide for school leaders when they are developing their school’s Relationships, Sex and Health Education policy (now compulsory across all schools). Access our RSHE policy guide and template here.