“Thank you so much for an informative session, I have learnt so much about the language I use with students and how without realising victim blaming is used as education rather than the perpetrator being held accountable. Many thanks.”
Testimonials from Barnet and Southgate College PSHE teachers:
“Wonderful interactive and useful session.”
“Excellent, really informative and some great ideas to add to our workshops or create new ones.”
(In response to ‘will you do anything differently in school as a result of today?’) “Yes, update and refresh workshop delivery on healthy relationships and consent, reinstate LGBTQIA+ workshop. Thanks for a great day!”
“Excellent. Very informative. Introduced new ideas and ways to educate. Great delivery. Very nice, approachable trainer. Thank you.”
“Certain topics and exercises I will implement into my workshops, and certain topics I will put more emphasis on, and more generally having gained a more informed perspective on the best ways to implement the new government guidelines.”
“This was a fantastic programme that I felt privileged to be a part of. I want to say a massive thank you to our tutors and School of Sex Ed.”
Testimonials from trainee teachers, University of Leicester:
“Loved the activities, it inspired me for classroom practise.”
“Really informative, and felt particularly relevant before going back into a school setting.”
“Gave us an insight into the challenges kids face, what the pressures are […] what different genders face daily, language, social media pages.”
“Just to say keep up the good work! I'm sure you guys know this but it's so important that you do what you do because so many people would rather not even consider it.”
“I think when I teach sex ed, I will be less traditional and shame based, and more sex positive.”
“Highly beneficial and well presented.
[...] one of the best sessions of the whole year.”
During academic year 2019-20, School of Sexuality Education co-delivered a first-of-its-kind PGCE RSE short-course at UCL IOE. Alongside the Sex Education Forum, we acted as consultants and co-tutors. The programme was informed by the latest international research in RSE and the academic and intellectual expertise of Professor Jessica Ringrose, Dr Sara Bragg and Professor EJ Renold. Feedback from the wonderful participants is below!
Testimonials from trainee teachers, UCL Institute of Education:
“[I have learnt] to approach with an open mind and to create a safe learning environment.”
“RSE training has supported me in how to create the environment I want to provide and the level of confidence I would need to enable me to teach to a standard, and within the ethos I have around the subject. I also feel ready to be at the table when my school is deciding on how they want to roll out RSE.”
“I will be much more confident in teaching this subject and be more aware of terminology and language I use when speaking throughout my teaching practice.”
“To challenge my own lens which I see the world through. Broadening my mind on what is 'normal' and how to label things. RSE is a subject that can have an impact on a student's overall wellbeing in life. We want to change the experience around RSE that a lot of people have had, which is uncomfortable, piecemeal and at best forgettable.”
“Be more aware of the appropriate language to use, not just in RSE but always.”